11403-03 The Hot Stack Jazz Bass is a noiseless pickup that will deliver increased output and a fatter tone for any 4-string Fender American Standard Jazz Bass. We took the noiseless Classic Stack and ratcheted everything up another notch. For the Hot Stack Jazz Bass, we increased the output and thickened up the midrange response, which gives rock tones an added push without getting harsh. The slightly overwound bridge model pairs perfectly with the Hot Stack Jazz Bass neck pickup, for a powerful matched set. This is everything you love about the world-famous Jazz Bass tone, but with more oomph. (Note: The Hot Stack Jazz Bass is based on the slightly wider American-sized Jazz Bass bridge pickup. If you have a Mexican Standard Jazz Bass, you will likely need to use two neck pickups, as the pickup slots are both neck-sized on that model.) Hand built in Santa Barbara, CA, the noiseless Hot Stack for Jazz Bass uses Alnico 5 rod magnets, Forbon flatwork, 4-conductor lead wire, and is vacuum wax potted for squeal-free operation.
116,00 €
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