11102-90-B7 Merciless high-output passive humbucker pickups created for the most frigid Black Metal, Death Metal, or any other extreme style. As brutal as the Scandinavian Winter. The Black Winter pickup is a savagely high-output passive humbucker built for extreme metal, with no less than three large ceramic magnets to ensure maximum output and sustain in all high-gain situations. The custom overwound coil design delivers incredible clarity in the mids and highs, while the low end stays controlled and focused. The Black Winter is designed to handle any tuning, no matter how low you go, and its voicing facilitates aggressive palm mutes, fluid sweep picking, and punishing lead tones. Crushing distortion, vicious mids, and aggressive saturation are at your fingertips, without sacrificing string-to-string separation or sensitivity. The 7- and 8-string versions are built to handle even more extended-range low notes with ease. Pair the bridge Black Winter with the Black Winter neck model for maximum metal onslaught. Hand made in Santa Barbara, CA, we offer the Black Winter for 6-string in standard humbucker and Trembucker sizes, as well as 7- and 8-string string passive mount (with naked coils… brrr!) or in active soapbar mount with exposed pole pieces. The Black Winter high-output passive humbucker ships with 4-conductor lead wire for multiple wiring options, and is vacuum wax potted for squeal-free operation.
134,00 €
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