11106-33-B-7STR The original Blackouts high-output active humbucker delivers the massive crunch and quiet performance required for a full metal onslaught. The original Blackouts high-output active bridge humbucker delivers all of the power and full-bodied punch that today’s metal players demand from an active pickup. You get the high-output signal level of an active pickup, with a more organic feel and open tonal response that allows the true character of your guitar to come through. The treble and bass response is extended beyond the range of traditional active pickups and has been carefully balanced with a slightly scooped midrange for the perfect crunch. This pickup excels at screaming pinched harmonics and is articulate enough for hyper-speed riffage, with responsive dynamics across the entire fretboard. Pair it with the Blackouts neck humbucker for a perfectly matched set. If your metal goes into extended-range depths, Blackouts are also available in 7- and 8-string versions. With clear highs and crushingly tight lows, these pickups will make your riffs speak all the way down to low B or dropped A (for 7-strings) and low F# or dropped E (for 8-strings). No matter how much gain you run, these pickups can handle it, with a dead-quiet, muscular performance. Whether your instrument is routed for passive or active pickups, there is a Blackout that will fit it. These high-output active pickups come with the pots, hardware, quick-connector cables, capacitor (active pickups require a special cap value), output jack, battery clip, and wire needed for installation. If your guitar already has active pickups with quick-connector cables, you should be able to simply unplug them and plug in your Blackouts.
130,00 €
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